Hello dear neighbors and subscribers, Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! We have three big news to share with you regarding Oakland Airport noise…
Happy New Year all! We wish you a healthy, safe, and prosperous year of 2024! Four times per year there is a public noise forum…
Hello all, For those who attended the annual meeting on 11/13(Big thank you!) and for those who were not able to make it, here is…
NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING Citizen’s League for Airport Safety and Serenity Come join us Monday, November 13th, 7PM (Meeting will be held via Zoom Webinar)…
Hello all neighbors and subscribers! CLASS has made a significant effort to respond to the OAK airport expansion DEIR (Draft Environmental Impact Report). This was…
Hello all neighbors and subscribers! We have good news to share with you! CLASS has been requesting a left turn during daytime hours for several…
As part of the Taxiway W Rehabilitation Project the Port of Oakland will be closing the intersection of Taxiway W and Taxiway U on Friday,…
Hello, all CLASS subscribers and Harbor Bay/Bay Farm neighbors: In light of the Port of Oakland’s extension of the public review and comment period on…
Hello all, CLASS holds a well-attended information meeting regarding OAK Airport Expansion on 8/25/23. Here is the material that we used for the meeting for…
Learn More about the expansion project at: Oaklandairport.com/terminaldevelpment