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CLASS comments on the OAK Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR)

Hello all neighbors and subscribers!

CLASS has made a significant effort to respond to the OAK airport expansion DEIR (Draft Environmental Impact Report).  This was a huge effort by CLASS and at a great cost.  Three airport related consultants were hired to provide input based upon the DEIR text as well an experienced legal team familiar with the CEQA process. The body of the response is included here for the residents of the CHBI to review as well as others who have joined CLASS at a cost of $1.50/mo per home.  If you are not in this group of homeowners, you can view this material, but we would request that in the future you become part of the team by joining CLASS.  To join see and send us a reply at the “contact us” button in the upper right corner.

Your being a part of CLASS will make your representation just that much stronger.

Clink this link to see  the CLASS DEIR response: CLASS DEIR Comments 10-16-23

The attachments are lengthy and have not been included for brevity. Should you wish to read through these in detail please contact CLASS directly.

The next steps forward will depend upon the airport making a decision based upon the feedback they have received.

CLASS is a volunteer based group and as a result we need residents to step forward and take on their share. Without volunteers this group can’t function – so do your part and contact to learn how to participate and make a difference. Your quality of life and your property value depend upon your participation…

Best regards,


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