Greetings all!
Hope you had a great start of the holiday season! and all our CLASS executive members wish you a safe and happy holidays!
We are inviting you to join the CLASS 2024 Annual Meeting on 11/18 Monday at 7:30PM. As you may know, we are at a critical point as Oakland Airport is seeking expansion, which will incerase airplane noise and pollusions. We are flighting for you to have more effective noise abatement procedures in place so that we all could enjoy a safer and quiter enviroment. The virtual annual meeting is scheduled on 11/18, Monday, at 7:30PM. At the meeting, we will go over the Oakland Airport expansion status, what we’ve achieved and what we are going to do next, etc. You will have the opportunity to ask us any questions. We are looking forward to meeting you virtually!
Meeting ID: 860 5959 4933
Passcode: HOA
Passcode: HOA
Agenda for the meeting:
- Introduce the CLASS team
- Brief history of CLASS
- Last OAK expansion in 2000
- Current OAK expansion status (DEIR and FEIR)
- City of Alameda involvement
- Why sending noise complaints matters
- Results of 6 degree left turn during the day
- Volunteering
- Q&A
Best regards,