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Oakland International Airport proposes major expansion. Share your concerns with the Airport!

Hello neighbors and CLASS subscribers,

Oakland International Airport (OAK) published a Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) in mid-July for the proposed Terminal Modernization and Development Project.  One of the key features of this project is an expansion of terminal gates from the existing 29 gates to a total of 45 gates. This project will facilitate an approximately 60 percent increase in aircraft operations, which translates to more noise disturbance over Alameda’s Harbor Bay neighborhoods.

CLASS participated in the scoping process on the project and submitted comments on the Notice of Preparation in 2021. Now that the DEIR has been published, CLASS has retained technical consultants to assist with review of the DEIR and with preparation of comments to submit to OAK.  In order to be most effective, the community needs your help and participation too!

It’s important that as many residents are involved in the public comment process as possible and that you share your concerns about increased overflights and noise.

The deadline for comments is September 15, 2023.

How to make your voice heard:

  • CLASS is hosting a community meeting to present the project details, introduce CLASS’s concerns about the project, and share tips on how to effectively comment on EIRs. Join us on Fri August 25th at 7:00PM at the CHBI Community Center at 3195 Mecartney Road in Alameda (lower-level, lagoon side).
  • The Airport is hosting four DEIR public meetings; two on August 15th and two on August 30th – both virtual and in-person. The DEIR, details about OAK’s public meetings, a description of the Project, and directions for submitting comments on the DEIR can be found at:
  • Share this information with your neighbors and encourage them to submit comments as well. They do not need to be detailed or overly technical.  For ideas on what CLASS is concerned about, see our comments on the Notice of Preparation when the project was first announced:

For additional information on CLASS and our efforts to protect our community from airport noise impacts, please visit



  1. Berta Gelber

    When the expand with so many more flights over our neighborhoods, will they be using new technologies that other airports will be incorporating? Heard about that on the news. A system where the planes are at a higher altitude. It’s already unbearable during the day but also in the middle of the night. Thank you FedEx.

  2. Karilyse

    Why is it that the FAA restricts new housing to be built closer to the airport BUT allows the airport to expand over and over again????? This is all about the money for big-business airports. The residents are not being protected. We were here before these expansions. We moved here when there was a small airport with a limited impact and no plans for expansion.
    At the very least, there should be a no-fly time period so that we can get some sleep!
    The noise and the smell are bad enough for people; what about the wildlife that is supposed to be protected?
    There are several other major airports in this region. Oakland does not need to be expanded to meet any need; it is only being expanded to fill investors’ pockets.

  3. Nina Cooper

    Are they going to offer any kind of compensation to those of us that will be most affected? Better insulation and noise abatement windows and doors as they did before?
    Will the quiet hours be the same?
    What consideration are they giving to the increased traffic?
    Will they be adding more flights from the older portion of the airport that go over the schools and do not observe the quiet hours as they are considered smaller planes? This includes very noisy private and smaller jets.
    Oakland receives all the benefits and their neighbors receive all the noise and pollution.

  4. Paul Hauser

    So let me get this straight. Our government has been asking its citizens to help reduce greenhouse gases by reducing our reliance on fossil fuels. The Oakland Airport is doing just the opposite. They will be adding irreversible greenhouse gas to our atmosphere by expanding services in the form of new gates for new flights. In other words, do as I say, not as I do.

    • Paul Medved

      Absolutely agree! Nighttime noise (also a significant issue) aside, just like all the rest of us, the airport and passenger/freight airline industry in general should be taking steps to reduce – not expand – GHG emissions. They need to earn the right to seek to expand by getting away from fossil fuels first.

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