Oakland International Airport (OAK) published a Notice of Preparation (NOP) announcing the environmental review process for the proposed Terminal Development Project. The NOP is the first step in the environmental review process. Next, the airport will prepare an Environmental Impact Report (EIR), which will likely be released early next year.
OAK held four virtual NOP scoping meetings with the public on May 25 and 26, followed by a formal public comment period which ended on June 7, 2021. Of course, the public is always able to communicate issues with the airport. The NOP, a description of the Project, and directions for submitting comments appear at https://www.oaklandairport.com/terminaldevelopment/
The Project includes the following elements:
- Construction of a new terminal adjacent to existing Terminal 1 on Airport Drive, the surface loop road. The new terminal would consist of a two-level concourse and 17 new aircraft gates to complement the 29 existing gates;
- Modernization of Terminals 1 and 2;
- Consolidation of check-in and baggage areas;
- Construction of expanded Customs and Border Protection facilities for international arrivals;
- Demolition and relocation of the Oakland Maintenance Center Hangar;
- Reconfiguration of existing cargo and support facilities, and;
- Improvements to the terminal area roadway, parking areas, and support facilities.
This project will facilitate increased aircraft operations and thus accommodate a larger number of flights, which translates to more noise events over CHBI neighborhoods. CLASS attended scoping meetings on the project and submitted comments on the NOP, focused on three issues affecting analysis of the project.
First, CLASS argues that the baseline for measuring noise impact should be current noise levels rather than pre-pandemic levels. This issue is important because the existing noise environment is quieter due to current reduced operations at the airport. If OAK uses the year 2019 as a noise baseline, the projected increase in noise levels in our community would be considerably underestimated.
Second, CLASS emphasizes the need to evaluate all impacts of growth in aircraft operations that will result from adding 17 aircraft gates, a 60% increase in flight capacity. In addition to noise, these impacts include local air quality, greenhouse gas emission, and public safety among others
Third, the gates of the new terminal would be closer to Runway 28 than existing gates. Aircraft captains, not OAK, decide which runway they will depart from. The commercial jet airstrip, Runway 30, is 65% longer and targets takeoffs toward the edge of the bay, but some captains may opt for shorter taxi time. Departures from Runway 28 point over the heart of Harbor Bay, resulting in much greater noise pollution in our neighborhood.
CLASS representatives continue to participate in stakeholder and working group meetings to stay abreast of project details as they emerge; to advocate for a thorough environmental analysis; and to encourage a project design that will protect our community from excess overflights and aircraft noise.
We encourage you all to learn more about the project and to stay engaged through the environmental review process, now and in the future, by voicing your questions and concerns.
Can someone find out how other airports, like San Jose, what they do when they need to upgrade or maintain their runways? Just because we still have the old airport, why do they have the right to bring those International airplanes and jets over the Alameda area? Should the Oak airport be allowed to fly over Alameda? Those of us that live right were the runway take off, See the planes go over us first. We have to smell the fuel, and see the black on our plants and fruit trees. When the airport came and insulated the window of some of the houses, we were not told they would be adding more planes or runways. We were only told that the international airport would just be a little bit noisier than before. There are neighbors across the street and around them that did not get insulation. They were not pleased that they have to hear all the plane noise. When the Blue Angles come and fly over is the only time we don’t mind the noise. The don’t fly over all day long.
They need to shut down SFO to make room for housing there and instead expand OAK into the water area with infill to make room for a larger airport for the greater Oakland/SF region.
Just curious…how far do you live from the airport and when did you move there?? The airport opened in 1927. They haven’t added a new runway for 60 years.
San Jose built/expanded their runways so that they have two 11,000 ft. parallel runways. As a result, when they have to close one for maintenance they still have the other to use, which slows operations, but flight routes don’t have to change. In the past Oakland had planned to build a second runway at south field to allow the same flexibility, but those who had moved close to the airport threatened so much legal action that the idea was abandoned. A similar fate befell the planned extension of the existing runway, which would have allowed jets to depart at reduced power which would have deceased noise.
Noise and air pollution also affects the Bay Path with is commonly used for families, bike riders and exercisers. The noise pollution is deafening if you are out trying to have a picnic or just going for a healthy walk/ride. I do live in the Harbor Bay/CHBIOA community. I mostly only hear the planes when there are repairs or renovations or when the usual runways schedules are altered. This will happen a lot more if there are more runways (and construction). Do the families who live in the older neighborhoods of Bay Farm know what is about to hit them? I doubt it. The noise pollution is terrible for our aquatic birds and other animals. Please consider doing necessary improvements only.