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Oakland Airport Noise Alert 10/4-10/5

Happy Friday dear subscribers and neighbors:
CLASS Would like to advise residents of Bay Farm and Harbor Bay of an upcoming change in Oakland Airport flight pattern that may affect the noise level in the 94502 area. The Airport will be closing the main South Field Runway for an extended period for scheduled rubber removal. During the following time period, the North Field Runways will be used for jet departures and landings, which means that aircraft will over overfly the harbor bay residential areas and you may experience unusual aircraft noise.
Sunday, October 4th through Monday, October 5th between 10:30 P.M. and 6:00 A.M.

As we mentioned in the last email, with collective efforts and supports from you, we were able to work with the Airport to move these scheduled maintenances back to the midnight time frame, when there are much fewer landing/departure activities comparing to Monday mornings.  Lastly,  if you are disturbed by the noise,  you are encouraged to contact the Noise Hotline at (510)563-6463, or visit the noise management program at   All complaints you filed will be reviewed, analyzed, and make a difference in improving the situation.

Have a great weekend!



  1. Berta Gelber

    My problem usually isn’t with daytime noise (although, sometimes I have to close my windows to watch a program since the planes are non stop), it’s in the middle of the night. FedEx. They just don’t care. Last night I wrote down at least 7 flights that were loud. From 3am-6am….one was so low and loud it rattled the house. For those who are sleep challenged like myself, it’s debilitating not being able to sleep with the constant flights throughout the night. I understand this is a business, and it has to be there overnight, but I had heard their planes were hopefully being upgraded to newer models for noise control etc. This just isn’t happening. How about not flying so close to homes? I was outside one night around 5am, and this plane was so close and low…c’mon. I guess they don’t care who’s trying to sleep.

    • CLASS

      Thank you for sharing your experience Berta. I just want to let you know that you are not alone and many of others feel the same way as you do. Nighttime departure noise level has increased since the FAA implemented the new procedure. The Nighttime noise abatement is one of the key projects that we are fighting for. We will hold an annual meeting on Monday, Nov 16th. Please join us if all possible. We will discuss the status of this issue. The meeting registration link is:

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