As a result of the FAA’s total disregard for the safety and serenity of Alameda’s Bay Farm Island, we residents suffer overflights from takeoffs coming from Oakland International Airport (OAK) that are unnecessary. The FAA has delayed and ignored continuous requests to revise flight paths to resolve this issue. It appears that the FAA will react only to political or legal pressure, and I therefore ask that you intercede on behalf of your constituents to induce the FAA to revert to previously approved flight paths.
Until the advent of so-called HUSSH procedures, northbound OAK commercial takeoffs turned leftward over the bay as soon as safety permitted. Under the current regimen that was adopted without community input, takeoffs with highly concentrated flight paths continue over our community and afflict the same neighborhoods endlessly.
In 2017, Oakland Noise Forum (ONF) submitted a proposal to the FAA supported by our communities and various civic organizations to reevaluate HUSSH procedures. With total disregard to the citizenry that it is supposed to serve, the FAA has failed to respond in three years. When recently confronted with its callous disregard, it argued that no progress has been made because the proposal was submitted directly to the FAA rather than through OAK. Clearly, the FAA had every opportunity to notify ONF of this non-substantive procedural issue. The FAA has indicated that the ONF proposal would now be placed at the end of its queue of community complaints. Is this behavior we should expect from a government entity that is supposed to serve the needs of its people?
Prior flight paths are known to be safe, so reverting to them should be carried out forthwith. Would you please prevail upon the FAA both to place the ONF request at the top of its consideration and to process it on an expedited basis?
Thank you for your consideration.
I live in the community of Harbor Bay Isle, a community of approximately 2,800 homes in the City of Alameda, which is located in close proximity to the Oakland Airport. Changes made by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to the airspace in the San Francisco Bay Area as a result of the FAA’s Northern California Metroplex project in November 2014 have exacerbated noise in Alameda and in the surrounding region. Despite extensive efforts by the local neighborhood groups and the Oakland Airport Noise Forum, the increased noise and disruption have continued. I am writing to request your support in resolving this issue.
The Next Gen procedures implemented as part of the Metroplex project have compressed flight tracks concentrating flights over certain neighborhoods. Another effect of the new procedures, which is greatly impacting Alameda, is a change in the requirement for pilots to make an immediate left turn toward the Bay when departing the main runway in Oakland. Flights departing the Oakland Airport from the main runway are now waiting longer to make a left to turn over the Bay, resulting in a substantial increase in overflights and noise in western Alameda. These changes are resulting in significant noise impacts to residents of Alameda, particularly in the Harbor Bay Isle and western Alameda.
The increase in noise levels and frequency of overflights is highly disruptive to my community. With the changes made by the FAA, flight tracks are now concentrated and aircraft noise is worse. These changes have negative health and quality-of-life effects on residents, families, and communities.
Community representatives for Alameda, along with other east bay communities suffering similar impacts, submitted a proposal with recommended flight paths to the FAA through Oakland Airport Noise Forum requesting re-evaluation of several of the new procedures. The proposal was initially submitted in 2017 with a substantial amount of follow up since then, but three years later, the FAA has yet to respond to the proposal. I am writing to request your support regarding the Oakland Noise Forum proposal. I urge your immediate and active engagement to encourage the FAA to work with the Noise Forum in a timely manner to resolve this issue.
Thank you for your consideration.
The above preceding letters have been prepared as templates to make your communicating with elected representatives easier. You may cut and paste and make whatever revisions you like, but you can also write a note in your own words. The addresses for our U.S. Congresswomen and Alameda City Council members are listed below:
The Honorable Barbara Lee (13th District)
United States House of Representatives
1301 Clay Street, Suite 1000-N
Oakland, CA 94612
(510) 763-0370 (Oakland)
(202) 225-2661 (Washington, DC)
The Honorable Senator Dianne Feinstein
United States Senate
1 Post St #2450
San Francisco, CA 94104
(415) 393-0707 (San Francisco)
(202) 224-3841 (Washington, DC)
The Honorable Senator Kamala D. Harris
50 United Nations Plaza, Suite 5584
San Francisco, CA 94102
(213) 894-5000 (San Francisco)
(202) 224-3553 (Washington, DC)
Alameda City Council members can be reached at the mailing address below or via their email addresses on the following page:
Alameda City Hall
2263 Santa Clara Avenue
Alameda, CA 94501
(510) 747-7400
Mayor Marilyn Ezzy Ashcraft
Vice Mayor John Knox White
Councilmember Tony Daysog
Councilmember Jim Oddie
Councilmember Malia Vella